While flipping through the most recent issue of Vanity Fair [the one with my new favorite celebrity, France's first lady, Carla Bruni], I came across one of Kenneth Cole's new advert.

In his current fashion ad campaign, Cole has replaced professional models with "everyday" people in a series of photographs and videos with the tagline, "We All Walk in Different Shoes." The ad campaign is intended to dispel social prejudices while extolling the value of diversity. Among those featured in the campaign are a lesbian couple, Nicoletta and Joanna, and their daughter, Ruthie, as well as a transgender woman named Nina Poon.

Kenneth Cole is one of the most engaging - and engaged - business leaders/activists in the country. Cole also took a public stand in the battle against AIDS in 1985, and is widely considered the first in the fashion industry to do so. He has continued to use his position in the fashion industry and his business, Kenneth Cole Productions Inc., to bring awareness to not just AIDS-related causes but a wide range of socially conscious issues, including homelessness, gun safety and women’s rights.

Check out their website at KennethCole.com


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