It's OK With Me 2008 t-shirt campaign. Just in time for National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11th).

Blue. Sizes: Small-XXL.

$8.00 for student members. or $10.00 for non members/non students.

Pre-order your shirts now!

  1. email us at with your info (name, size, quantity).
  2. stop by our office: Office L in the East Student Office Space of the Memorial Union.
  3. or come and see us during our general assembly on Wednesday at 8pm. Martin Hall 2121.
Limited quantity of previous years t-shirts are still available!
2006 t-shirt in yellow. medium & large. only $2.00
2007 t-shirt in green. small, medium, xl & xxl. only $3.00

OMG. What a deal!


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