It is a historic day not only for the lgbt community but for all Iowans. This is not a small victory, but a monumental one.

Marriage legitimizes the love and commitment of couples, same-sex or otherwise. Legally recognized marriage gives couples over a thousand rights that would otherwise not be available to them, not to mention the social equity that the word marriage gives.

As we rejoice, let us not forget those who had fought for our equality and our rights. Even in the face of adversity, we continued to live our lives with dignity and hope that someday the future would be brighter and that our goal for equality would be realized. Today, it did.

I am lucky to be alive and witness this joyous occasion. No longer will we doubt the legitimacy of our existence and the validity of our relationships.

The ISU LGBTA Alliance will continue to promote, support and advocate equality for all.

Sincerely ,
Callen Ubeda
President, ISU LGBTA Alliance

read the pdf of the court ruling here.


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